Getting a bad night’s sleep can be a real downer

As well as leaving us feeling tired and sluggish, not getting enough sleep at night can negatively impact our health. That’s why we’re here to help. We’ve got some tailored tips and tricks help you on the journey towards a better sleep.

What’s your Sleep ID?

Ever wondered why some people can nod off in seconds, whilst others are left counting way too many sheep? It’s because we all have different sleep types. Take our quick and simple quiz to see which ‘Sleep ID’ best describes you … and to get helpful tips on how to improve your sleep quality.

Take the quiz


Meet our Sleep IDs

Super Sleeper or Bedtime Battler? Check out our four Sleep IDs … and pick which one you think you are.


Bedtime Battler

Bedtime Battlers aren’t sleeping well at all and it’s really impacting their life. High stress levels, not being in the best health or having a great understanding of how to get good sleep are all contributing to this.

Are you a Bedtime Battler?


Rest Rebel

Rarely getting the right amount of sleep, Rest Rebels could be almost anyone. Taking an irregular amount of exercise and having low to moderate stress levels, they often rate the quality of their sleep as anything from ‘less than ideal’ ‘to ‘terrible’.

Are you a Rest Rebel?


Doona Dodger

Doona Dodgers may think they’re sleeping pretty well, but can often feel the impact of a poor night’s sleep. Two likely culprits could be their inconsistent daily routines, plus a much higher reliance on naps to get their daily sleep.

Are you a Doona Dodger?


Super Sleeper

As the name suggests, Super Sleepers enjoy a very consistent pattern of sleep. Usually in good health, they have little stress in their lives, exercise regularly, and have few financial worries.

Are you a Super Sleeper?


Sound sleep advice

Had your fill of all those true-crime tales? Comedy or cooking genres just not cutting it anymore? Check out our new sleep health podcast. We hope these episodes don't put you to sleep, but if they do, we won't be offended. Whatever gets you to sleep is our dream.

HIF Sleep Eazzzy Podcast

Are you sitting (or lying) comfortably? Listen in as our sleep experts deep dive into the world of sleep hacks, tips and tricks. Episode One now available free on all good streaming platforms.

Listen Now

Sleep Eazzzy with HIF | HIF Sleep Eazzzy quiz to assess sleep health and quality

Your rest is our quest

At HIF, we really do care about helping you get all the quality rest you need. Check out our Health Hub for all the latest information and sleep tips.


Sleep News

We’ll bring you the latest news on Sleep from our own research, with intel and insights from leading Sleep experts.

HIF Sleep Index Reveals what’s keeping Aussies up at night

We unpack and address some of the bigger social issues sleep is impacting for everyday Australians.

Read More



What type of sleeper are you?

We know there are many things that may impact your sleep, and some may even be out of your control. So we’re here to help you see what small changes you could make to give you a better sleep.

Take our quick quiz to see what type of sleeper you are and what tips could help you get some more hours of shut eye.

Take the quiz

1 / 14

Let's start with where you sleep – is it in a quiet, dark, calm space, or is that more of a dream...? How would you rate your sleeping environment in terms of helping you get a consistently good night sleep?

2 / 14

Great! And now the things you do in the hour before you sleep. Do you usually:

3 / 14

Routine can be integral to sleeping soundly – elements such as a consistent bedtime, not eating too close to bedtime, minimising technology, reading a book etc. How would you rate your regular bedtime routine in supporting a consistently good sleep?

4 / 14

Ideally, we want to consistently get good quality sleep – where you wake up feeling rested and replenished. How consistent would you say your sleep quality has been recently?

5 / 14

How would you rate your knowledge and understanding of sleep?

Extremely poor
Extremely good
6 / 14

And how much do you prioritise getting good sleep?

It's not a priority
It's a top priority
7 / 14

How has your physical health been recently?

Extremely poor
Extremely good
8 / 14

And how about your stress level? How has that been recently?

Extremely low
Extremely high
9 / 14

And how much has poor sleep been impacting you recently?

Not at all
10 / 14

How old are you?

You should be at least 18 years old.

11 / 14

And are you

12 / 14

Do you work any of the following?

13 / 14

Great! And who have you been living with recently?

14 / 14

Last one - Do you have private health insurance?